Tuesday 15 January 2013

The Internet: The Risky Leap Forward.

I remember when I was able to sign up to a site without any hassle, a quick process, not as simple anymore. In the past 2-3 years CAPTCHA has been implemented to sign up and sign in processes because of spam, thanks spammers!

CAPTCHA is not the only thing that has made a sign up process longer, there are several security measures that we have to go through because of certain types of people known as hackers

Hackers are people who are very intelligent when it comes to computers and the web. They use things such spyware to infiltrate other peoples personal belongings and even hack major organisations and websites. Hacking has become very common and things such as anti-spyware and anti-virus have been introduced to counter attack these hackers.

Hacking is only possible via the internet/computing; and as long as these exist, there will always be hackers and they will always find alternative routes to meddle.

There are different types of hackers and they all possess different motives. Some hackers want your credit card details, some want to get a point across and others do it to dig out information

An example of hacking would be the phone hacking scandals in the U.K. which saw the spear head of British tabloids News Of The Worlds imminent conclusion. This hacking saga has been on going for some time now; as most recently Detective Chief Inspector April Casburn, 53, was found guilty of leaking information to News Of The World. (Read the article HERE)

Hacking is ILLEGAL and if found guilty of hacking, a person could face severe sanctions. I mentioned News Of The World earlier on in this post. They were forced to close down after a streak of phone hacking incidents. But are hackers really fussed? Have these sanctions brought an end to hacking? Are we all safe? The answer is no. 

There is a hacking group known as Anonymous who are what their name says they are: 'ANONYMOUS'. They have been around for some time now and have never been found out or caught for their criminal act. Their agenda for hacking seems to be politically motivated.

Here is a video of Anonymous:

As we are all aware, Fox news is a huge corporation and if they are vulnerable to hackers then how are WE smaller organisations and individual people safe? The internet has become a cyber imitation of the world that we live in. We have friendly people on the internet and we have criminals such as pedophiles and hackers. How are we able to feel safe over the internet and our smartphones device when even detectives are guilty of hacking? 

As a frequent internet user I am extremely cautious now when I am surfing the web. I don't just worry for the topless photo's on my phone or the £1.50 in my bank account, I worry for the safety of my future. If the internet keeps becoming more exposed then the people who use the internet will be more prone to becoming exposed with it.

Hackers also leak well recognised software from world renowned corporations such as Adobe and Microsoft as free downloads on the internet. They make the software free using various methods, patches and key generators which are commonly found through torrents and file sharing websites. 

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