Sunday 2 December 2012

This Is My Digital Voice: Are You Listening?

Communication over time has advanced in many ways. Let's start with the first every form of communication which was sign language. From sign language, to speaking, writing, telegraph, to emails etc etc. Our world today is so advanced that we now also have a digital voice. As you are reading this blog, I am communicating with you through my digital voice... You get the concept now, right? If not, a digital voice is communication through technology.

When I had my first mobile phone, now referred to as a dumb phone, since the introduction of the SMART phones, I was only able to call and text. As phone technology developed, I was able to send multimedia messages, emails, and was able to even send and receive video calls. These ideas have kept developing and now we can communicate via phone applications such as Blackberry messenger and WhatsApp.


WhatsApp is a smart phone application which enables you to chat to other people through text and voice clip for free. Because of apps such as Whatsapp, the idea of the traditional SMS is slowly fading and people are starting to use smart phone messaging apps, why not? It's free and efficient. With WhatsApp, you can also send and receive files; something that SMS does not allow you to do. I had recently checked how many text messages I had sent last year and was told by my service operator that I had only sent 30. I have both WhatsApp and Blackberry messenger, I barely ever need to text. Especially when we live in a day and age where everyone owns a smart phone.

The internet has become a place that provides freedom of digital speech. We are now able to write blogs like mine, create petitions, polls, quizzes, and even make friends and meet partners via social networks.

Another advancement in forms of communication would be Skype. Skype gives the user the ability to instant message, call, hold a conference call with video and a whole load of other features. This is a revolutionary step in software technology because they have now developed this idea into a handset. Yes, there is a Skype app for your phone. Miss your mother? Why not give her a call and see her face? It's all free. This also gives an indication of an imminent death of the traditional phone and features. If calls can be made for free, texts can be sent for free and even multimedia and video calls are free, what is the need of a phone? We can communicate via Skype now, without a phone number, rather a Skype ID.

The digital voice can be misused and expressed negatively. Fake pictures on Facebook profiles are now being used, with fake identities (Textual mask). People are using their digital voice to portray themselves as a whole different character and even impersonate another person.

We have the options of privatising our digital voices or making them public. Celebrities for example, have Facebook and twitter pages which are open to the public and they communicate with the public through these pages. Some people prefer to keep their profiles on these social networks private.

Hacking group anonymous use their digital voice for political activism, see the video below:

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