Monday 8 October 2012

Intro 2 Digi Culture

I have typed the title of this blog in the way I have, not because my vocabulary is limited but because I am a part of the texting generation which spouts from the roots of the 'digital age', therefore I find it relevant to mention this as it is related to the work that I am doing. My skills in this subject are extremely basic at the moment as I am still at the introductory stage, but I took it as an initiative to research and get familiar with it. 

So what is a Digital Culture?: "The Information Age, also commonly known as the Computer Age or Information Era, is an idea that the current age will be characterized by the ability of individuals to transfer information freely,"- quoted from the ever so reliable Wikipedia. When I first attended my university induction there were three units from which I chose two, digital culture was one of them. Why I chose digital culture was because of the advances in technology and the widespread of digital uses which can be referred to as the 'digital revolution'. There is masses of increase in technology and everyday there is huge declines on the purchases of more traditional consumer items such as newspapers in this case. 

I was growing up around this digital revolution in the 90s where it was still quite premature (I would refer to my experience in Journalism and digital cultures as an ideal comparison). Over the years technology has rapidly advanced; and in this day and age we have been introduced to smart tablets, smart phones, smart TV's and smart people, like the late Steve Jobs. 

Advances in technology have revolutionized the societies we live in and everyday we are getting familiar with them and living by them. Take this blog I am currently typing up as a prime example; I am typing this on a computer which tells me If I have made a spelling mistake (not that I make many), I have no trouble erasing and re-writing as the backspace button beats the use of correction fluid any day and you don't have to see my atrocious handwriting. The point I am trying to make is that technology is cooler, quicker and extremely efficient!

I chose to do digital culture because (referring back to what I said) the use of traditional sources of information are no longer popular and the later generation whom still favor buying the newspaper every morning will eventually no longer exist (sadly technology has not advanced enough to bring back the dead) and maybe the newspaper will slowly collapse as well.
As an aspiring journalist it is important for me to be conscious about the future and the ever growing digital age. There is an increase on viewing the news through technology and the intranet and this is the reason why I am pursuing digital culture. I feel it is going to grow into the foundation of journalism and I am very excited and intrigued by it.

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