Sunday 14 October 2012

The Media Switch Up

Just like Darwin's theory of evolution, media evolves just like biology overtime. I will explain how historical mediamorphis has come about and I will be your Darwin of media.

In pre-digital revolution days there was no technology in order to add simplicity to your every day life. The difference is immensely huge and we today have a less physical and more effortless living than those before us. 

Interactivity through computer technology, mobile phones and the cyber world in general has become strong and popular choices of communication and socialisation.

How? Well for example, there's no need to drown yourself in aftershave, build up courage or confidence or practice flirtatious techniques in front of the mirror; you can find love via an online dating site without having to make much of an effort at all! Now this is just one example of
interactivity by saying that I must stress the fact that it is one example of MANY.


Over time, we have became familiar with technology and adapted to its impact and change upon society. Technology has changed the way we socialise, it has developed our physical efforts in the gym but generally decreased physicality and it has taken over our jobs!

Is technology good for society? In some cases, yes it is. It's smart, efficient and quick, In other cases, no it is not. Look at general society today; we are fat, slow and extremely lazy, thanks technology! The decrease in physical efforts and labor has certainly boosted low concentration, procrastination and all around laziness. 

"Hey, what's the point of going shopping? Yes, it's around the corner but we can order everything online!" Sigh...

 Take a look at this YouTube video..

Make you giggle a little? I thought it was relevant to the topic of discussion and I wanted to keep you alert! Moving on...

According to this image and these pie charts, old media hasn't yet become impotent. Although old media possesses the lion share of the market value, look at the huge dominance of Google. 

So why is Google so dominant? One answer would be because of people like myself. I am currently blogging on a website which is Google based so I am contributing to the cause. Another more general answer would be that Google brings up the news from a variety of different sources with just a click of the mouse; easy, efficient and fast!

If you look at the 'Old Media' pie chart, you can see that Comcast and Disney are the major players. These are prime examples of convergence because they have extended into a different direction in order to evolve, adapt and stay relevant.

All in all, old media has evolved and adapted in order to compete with the ever growing new media. Society has accepted change and the majority have embraced it. With the radical growth of technology and digitialisation; will old media survive or become extinct?... Whilst you have a little think about that, I'm going to play some football... On the Playstation of course!

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