Friday 19 October 2012

Computer = Gods?

For those of you who read my blog post title and assumed that I worship computers, no I do not and nor do I believe that computers are gods.

I am a born Muslim and I am every involved with my religion but even I must admit that technology is starting to play its part in what I believe in. I don't even need to pick up a Qu'ran and recite it, I can download an app and read it off my phone or even find an online web script. Traditionally, the Muslims of 100 years ago would have to pick up on prayer times based on what they see in terms of sunrise and sundown, this is no longer the case. Muslims such as myself today can google prayer times and find everything we need on the web.

Technology that we use on a day to day basis have made us contradict ourselves and the manuscripts we religiously follow...ed.

You and I both don't need any of our god given organs anymore, science can provide us with an artificial one. Though I wouldn't recommend ever getting anything planted into your head because there is a possibility of the device in your dome getting hacked or even malfunctioning (Then you'd really have a screw loose, no pun intended.)

Hey, no need for sex anymore, you can have a child effortlessly. Science has also got that covered and have revolutionised technology to produce a child with just your DNA. So if you feel like you're low on stamina, not functioning properly and not being able to perform in order to give your wife the child she oh so desperately craves for, let science do it!

Another example of Science creating life is the duplication of cells in order to create clones. This is extremely dangerous and unethical but that's okay because Science is metaphorically an egotistical man who will destroy the world and clone sheep.

I will give Science credit though, it has put forward many strong ideas backed by sufficient theories and evidence that spark interesting debates and put it neck to neck against religion. But is science taking it too far?

As I've said before, I am a religious man. I am not only religious but I am also a believer in nature. Technology may be advancing and Science may be putting out really cool stuff but scientists are really messing with the balance of life.

Science is a gambling addict and it's experiments are gambles. Science and it's technology may be getting a profitable return on its stake, but if it keeps gambling then eventually it'll go bust.

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