Sunday 4 November 2012

Technology: Autobots Or Decepticons?

For those of you who are not familiar with Autobots or Decepticons, they are Transformer machines. Autobots are the good machines who save the world and make our lives easier and Decepticons are evil machines who do the opposite. We all have an Autobot that we can rely on, but it is common to be burdened with a Decepticon, especially in this day and age (Even though they are becoming more powerful and successful overtime).

Before I begin I would like to link you to my previous blog post which will give you a further insight into this argument about good vs evil technology. Good technology (Autobot) let's me take you there instantly. Don't believe me? Well, click here! (Now that's a good Autobot!) ... You should be on the right page now, if not then my Autobot may have switched allegiances and become a Decepticon. If the page does successfully load, please give it a read before reading this post further on.

Technology can be great, sometimes even flawless and second to none but it can also be your worst enemy! I remember when I was back in school during my GCSEs and I had literally an hour to submit my final ICT coursework draft. I had spent sleepless nights on my work, sacrificed my social life and even dumped my girlfriend at the time. I did make several copies and back ups on my work, they were on my memory stick and computer. My school was literally around the corner so I had enough time to save my work and get to school on time. Just as I was about to save my work, the screen went blue and my computer automatically restarted. It would not successfully boot, but that was fine because I had my work on my memory stick (Hurrah!). Enthusiastically I told my teacher I had the work finished and would show him. I plugged my USB into the port and there was a 'drive error'. I unplugged and then replugged to find out that my memory stick was corrupted and had nothing on it! The Decepticon had won this battle and made me fail my coursework!

I am certain that I am not the only victim of the weaknesses some technological devices possess. There are many cases where technology has ruined lives, for example: Cyber bullying, gambling machines, virus riddled computers and even Facebook! (The amount of times I have been dumped because of Facebook is laughable.)

Scarily enough, technology and humans are becoming more similar every day! We humans have flaws, just like technology. But it is our imperfections which make us beautiful!

Beautiful technology, take this mobility scooter for example. My grandfather (god rest his soul) had one of these mobility scooters and it made him a very happy man. He was in his mid 80s and unable to walk, and get from A-Z, he was the type of person who liked to do things by himself. He loved his grandchildren and loved treating them to food and gifts as much as possible. The mobility scooter allowed him to go and buy food for my little cousins when they were hungry, when him and my grandmother fell out over the television remote, it allowed him to go out and clear his head and the last time I saw him before his death was on his mobility scooter going to eat lunch. 

Technology has also given us the ability to capture moments through video and photos, and to see family from the other side of the world through Skype and webcams which allow us to vocally communicate as well. The downside of a really good digital camera for example is the rocketing prices, but the moments it captures are priceless right?

I won't baffle on too much, I think you get the idea. Here's a video for you to watch. 

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