Saturday 10 November 2012

iPhone, iPad... iRobot?

Today we have  revolutionary gadgets such as iPods, iPads and Iphones, a few examples. These devices have been highly successful in the market and consumers have made a huge demand for more, in terms of additional features as well as upgrades and more products. What this does is make the product developers and inventors to think outside of the box and create something original. For example, mobile phones used to be basic devices with just numbered buttons to make calls. Look at mobile devices now, they have everything. Can you imagine your mobile device being able to talk back to you and interact with you in several different ways? Well it's in the process, Siri from Apple is a prime example.

With every piece of technology you must understand that science is always involved, in one way or another.

Take a look at this video..


She's pretty hot right? I'm kidding, that's not the point. The point is that she's a robot, looks like a human and can even speak! No, I do not intend on asking her out, just because she looks like a lady it does not actually make her one.. Make IT one even.

After seeing this video you probably have a few thoughts running through your mind, right? Hopefully not any inappropriate ones! 

One of these thoughts should beg the question 'What effect can these humanoids have upon society and the world as a whole?' -  Well, They may take our jobs, may even start taking control of our domestic roles, may reduce fertility rates and eventually it will be deemed as ethical to marry a Humanoid. It is most certainly an ethical risk, a social risk and what if these robots become unresponsive or corrupt? Then it becomes a global risk and puts our entire human race at risk. 

Do we need Humanoids? No we do not, Science needs to stop trying to be something it does not believe in, GOD. We have enough technology to just about keep us sane, any more and we'll all lose ourselves in a technological fantasy.

I personally believe that there is no positive outcome within the creation of Humanoids. It is not a joke; if a Humanoid race was starting to form I would kill myself, before they kill me. Computers are enough, that's as far as I'll go, a computer that I can look at and use as I do today. I do not want to be surrounded by a computer that can look at me and one that may be molested by some sick pervert. I do not need a Humanoid that can look after my children, sleep with my wife and do all my work for me, because these are compulsory aspects of life, why we live! If we take away our lives and give them to robots then we will have nothing left. Even the scientists will be inferior to their own creation, let's not go there.

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