Saturday 17 November 2012

We Are Being Stalked AND Protected?

(Click for image source)

Over the years, as technology has advanced and privacy has become more and more exposed; we are in the age of surveillance. In this day and age, we are surrounded by cameras in almost every public place we go to. Yes, it is to reduce crime and to gather evidence of potential or already executed criminal acts but does it not make you weary knowing that you are being watched? Or do you just not think about it as much as I do and walk in public without a care in the world?

According to >>THIS <<  article in the Guardian that I came across, the increase in CCTV is a waste of money and is impotent in the act of penetrating crime. Fair enough, CCTV is still pretty effective but are we putting too much emphasis and money into surveillance? Maybe that money would come useful in other security measures? But then again, we are Britain. We are financially immature, spending money we DON'T have on things we DON'T need: 'Hello Afghanstian, do you like our weapons? We've been sent here to look mean with our big toys, be afraid. Grrrr!'.

If you have £200 in your bank account, with bills to pay and other costs to cover; it doesn't make sense spending £195 on a Michael Kors watch, does it? LOGIC.

Another question which comes to mind when thinking about the world riddled with CCTV - Is it ethical? Take a look at the video below.

I personally think that we have enough surveillance and should invest elsewhere. My favorite piece of advice is: 'Too much of anything is bad for you'. - In the battle of Man V Technology, man wins. Sorry, that was meant to be funny.

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